Sarge's Story
So, there is a lot I could say about our boy Sarge, now in his old age we refer to as 'the grumpy old man', but let's start at the beginning. I'd wanted a Cane Corso ever since I saw these pictures right here: I thought they looked like panthers and I loved it. I'd been studying dogs, behavior, training and the such for as long as I can remember. Before cell phones and computers, I would sit for hours with encyclopedias and read about all the different breeds of dogs and what they were bred for. I loved it and when the AKC dog shows came on I was right there, always picking the winner based on breed standard. So, when I started looking into this particular breed I learned that they are incredible protection dogs that require a strong consistent owner. They can be stubborn and without proper obedience training, would ultimately try to take over the home. Any dog that is raised without proper socialization and at least basic obedience training can ultimately become a ...